Children’s Ministry

As individuals, families, and as a church, we are so thankful for the many children that God has entrusted to us! We want them to love and follow Jesus Christ.

Therefore, the children’s ministry exists to glorify God by supporting and encouraging parents, who are the primary teachers and disciplers of their children (Deuteronomy 6:6-9, Ephesians 6:4). We also recognize the role the church body plays in collectively teaching, modeling, encouraging, and caring for the children in our midst.

For the morning service, we offer childcare for ages 0 - 6yrs. The goal of this time is to provide safe, gospel-centered childcare for little ones while allowing parents to engage in the worship service. All childcare volunteers are members of the church and have completed a background check and additional childcare safety training. There is no childcare for the evening service.

You are also welcome to have your children remain with you during the entire morning service. We know that young kiddos can be wiggly and loud, but we are always happy to have them join us! Sermon note clipboards for older children and small activity bins for younger ones are provided at the back of the room. Please use whichever option you think will be most helpful for your family.